Farm Fresh Beef
Delivered straight to your door
All-Natural beef your family will love!

Do you know where your beef comes from?
Are you feeding your family the highest quality beef you can afford?
Dinnertime doesn’t have to be a disappointment
You can end the disappointment and uncertainty about your food right now.
Keep your freezer full of farm fresh, all-natural beef raised with no hormones or antibiotics.
Because your family deserves delicious beef that is sustainably raised.

Local Delivery
We’ll bring the beef to you

Fast Shipping
Order a cooler shipped straight to your door

Bulk Orders
Fill your freezer and add convenience to your life
High Quality & Home Grown
A Cut Above the Rest
Made in the U.S.A.
Fostering trust between your family and ours demands accountability and intentionality.
That’s why we believe in raising and selling beef the way we think is the most responsible way to feed our own children. NO antibiotics. NO added hormones. EVER. And NO animal by-products in the feed.
We go the extra mile from pasture to plate to produce sustainable beef.
Each and every cow and calf is born and raised on our farm located in West Central Missouri. As they graze, we study their condition, disposition and efficiency in order to use natural genetic selection (the way God intended it) to produce a leaner, more tender end product.
Grain finished for your very best flavor experience!
Superior nutrition helps promote muscle growth, marbling, tenderness and flavor.
Conscientious care because it matters to man and beast.
In addition to practicing stringent guidelines where our animals can thrive without antibiotics or growth hormones, and carefully managing their diet, we are committed to caring for our cattle intelligently and compassionately.
From the Foster Family to Yours
“From our family to yours, we are 100% committed to producing the healthiest, tastiest, safest and most sustainable product possible.”
Now follow B/F Beef on Facebook and Instagram. Your FUN PLACES for Great Recipes, Fan-Only Discounts, Coupons, Behind the Scenes Farm Funnies and Flavorful Beef Facts.
Brett & His Balancers Featured in Easter Worship Video
Brett was recently cast as the rural rep to be in a worship video for Hillsong Kansas City’s Easter Sunday service.
Glorify God by doing well whatever you are called to do. Cattle management is our calling. So thankful we can honor the Lord in how we go about doing it. Worship with us by viewing the video below.
What BF Beef fans have to say
Long time customer Kimmie Ball shares how she went from being uncertain about where her beef originated to finding the steaks and burgers she loves. Learn why she feels she “missed out” by not buying B/F Beef sooner.
TRUST is critical between your beef supplier and you. See why the McCormacks are so confident about the quality and consistency of B/F Beef that they would recommend it…even to the president!
It is so nice to make a hamburger patty and not have your hands covered in a layer of grease. And it tastes so dang gooooood!
BF Beef is our absolute favorite. The kids even ask me before I start cooking if I’m using BF Beef, because they notice the difference too!
High Quality & Home Grown
Accessing Farm Fresh Beef is Easy

1. Place Your Order
Select your choice of beef cuts
with our online Order Form

2. Receive Your Beef
Get farm fresh beef delivered
straight to your door

3. Enjoy Your Beef
Enjoy delicious, All-Natural beef
with your family every week