Healthy Benefits of Bone Broth

Bone Broth’s Healthy Benefits Animal bones contain a ton of minerals, connective tissue and marrow. When these are cooked for a long time with water, vinegar and sea salt, the minerals and nutrients are leached out into the broth, creating a delicious stock....
Skirt Steak Skirmish

Skirt Steak Skirmish

Oh my goodness, I may have found the most flavorful cut of meat ever! I didn’t think I could be blown away by an ugly piece of beef. But boy howdy! It happened! Several months ago I had a customer request skirt steak. There are only about four pounds of it per beef....
Green Chili Beef

Green Chili Beef

We were getting close to an empty deep freeze in the house. Eek! We had a steer at the butcher and I needed to get the freezer cleaned out soon! I found I had three Sirloin Tip roasts left. My general go-to is roast with potatoes and gravy or maybe barbeque beef....

Hot Mess Express Cube Steak

I like to call this the HOT MESS EXPRESS CUBE STEAK. By the supper hour time of day I am typically a mega hot mess! It’s 6 p.m. and I’ve forgotten to plan for supper. What is the quickest, most delicious option in the freezer? CUBE STEAK! Cube steak is technically...
Fear of the Frozen

Fear of the Frozen

Tips for defrosting frozen beef safely You just got home and realized you forgot to get beef out of the freezer for dinner tonight!!! What do you do, besides call for pizza? First DO NOT thaw it in the microwave! Even though microwaves have a handy little defrost...
Chili for a Crowd

Chili for a Crowd

Years ago when I went in search of a chili recipe that would feed a crowd, I found step-by-step instructions for feeding chili to 8, 16 or 20……not exactly what I needed. Each Fall and Spring we host a bull sale here on our ranch. Around 50 to 150 people gather here to...