If you are like me, you have often wondered why the weird name corned beef. Well wonder no longer. Here’s the answer: 


The salt crystals used to preserve beef sent from Ireland to England were huge—about the size of a kernel of corn, in fact. As a result, the English coined the term “corned beef” to refer to the meat coming from Ireland. What’s more, because of the vast beef supply in Ireland, and the fact that they had one of the lowest salt taxes (apparently, that was a thing in those days) around, Ireland became renowned for their corned beef throughout Europe, and even America. Interestingly enough, however, the Irish people themselves rarely, if ever, consumed it. They couldn’t afford it.

 There you have it! Now, don’t you feel smarter…and HUNGRIER?!!!! 

 May your St. Paddy’s Day be a little salty and a lot more BEEFY!