“Straight from the Fosters”

Beef Blog

We are blessed to live in the country where we laugh hard, love deep and live well. We do life. And we’d like to welcome you into our world.

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Meat Maker’s Wife

Meat Maker’s Wife

The ranch started out small. 20 cows and a borrowed tractor. About the time my husband Brett was starting this adventure, I was just starting high school. While he was learning the feed rations for bulls and the calving ease of his heifers, I was cheering at football...

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Welcome to the Ranch

Welcome to the Ranch

Things can get a little crazy here at home. Sometimes it's funny. Sometimes it's stressful. And often the day-to-day blessings and struggles are worth sharing with you -- our friends and family, neighbors, customers and maybe even, just the curious. We hope you will...

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