“Straight from the Fosters”

Beef Blog

We are blessed to live in the country where we laugh hard, love deep and live well. We do life. And we’d like to welcome you into our world.

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I’ll Take Mine Rare

I’ll Take Mine Rare

Well done? Rare? Somewhere in between? The doneness of your beef can raise heated discussions among family and friends! Who is right? What tastes better? The choice can be as personal as charcoal or gas. (that’s a whole other blog topic!) So first, what is the...

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Fear of the Frozen

Fear of the Frozen

Tips for defrosting frozen beef safelyYou just got home and realized you forgot to get beef out of the freezer for dinner tonight!!! What do you do, besides call for pizza? First DO NOT thaw it in the microwave! Even though microwaves have a handy little defrost...

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Every Day is Earth Day on Our Ranch

Every Day is Earth Day on Our Ranch

To be quite honest, I never gave much thought to Earth Day and what it represents. My wife said when she was in high school the teachers would take them out to clean up the community on that day. Probably hoping they would have a bit more respect for the space around...

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So, You Wanna Bulk Up

So, You Wanna Bulk Up

Sure, beef packs the kind of powerful protein punch that can add muscle to your legs, arms and chest. But in this post, I'll be talking about bulking up a different kind of chest -- your freezer! I realize, you might be feeling intimidated about this kind of workout,...

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Chili for a Crowd

Chili for a Crowd

Years ago when I went in search of a chili recipe that would feed a crowd, I found step-by-step instructions for feeding chili to 8, 16 or 20……not exactly what I needed. Each Fall and Spring we host a bull sale here on our ranch. Around 50 to 150 people gather here to...

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Why the Weird Name?

Why the Weird Name?

      If you are like me, you have often wondered why the weird name corned beef. Well wonder no longer. Here's the answer:    The salt crystals used to preserve beef sent from Ireland to England were huge—about the size of a kernel of corn, in...

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It’s FFA Week

It’s FFA Week

Blue and Gold are the colors of the week. Schools all around are holding petting zoos and food drives. Freshman kids are being initiated into their Greenhand postions. School buses are carting kids to farm shows and skating rinks. It’s FFA WEEK! I don’t even have kids...

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Smokin Chuck Roast

Smokin Chuck Roast

When it comes to roasts, they are not all created equal. Different cooking methods are best suited with particular kinds of roasts. For example, when making a pot roast in the oven, I prefer a lean roast with a bone in it for more flavor. Preferably an arm roast....

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