Sure, beef packs the kind of powerful protein punch that can add muscle to your legs, arms and chest. But in this post, I’ll be talking about bulking up a different kind of chest — your freezer!

I realize, you might be feeling intimidated about this kind of workout, just as you may feel a little anxious each time you look at that weight bench sitting in the corner of your basement. But don’t lose heart. For those hefty questions of  “Why buy that much beef?” “How do you buy a whole beef?” “How much does it cost?” or “How long will it last?”,  we have a coach to guide your weighty decision. We call it our Bulk Beef Buying Guide

To answer the “Why,” the number one reason for purchasing a Whole or Half Beef is cost efficiency! While the initial investment can seem like a lot, you will see that if you break it down, the amount of beef you receive works out to be around $4.88 a pound. Try to go to the store and buy a premium ribeye for that price!

As any top athlete will testify, not just any ol’ protein will get the kind of results you hunger for. You see, another popular reason for buying beef in bulk is to acquire high quality. When you are picking up a package of hamburger at the store, you have no idea where that cow was raised or what it ate. You do not know the location that it was butchered and processed. Or what may have been added in the processing.

Our Bulk Beef Buying Guide is here to assure you that our cattle are born and raised on our ranch and to inform you about every step of the process for getting beef from our farm straight to your family.  As with all of the cattle on our ranch, we never use antibiotics or hormones. This ensures your beef is healthy and delicious!

Here’s an overview of how your customized  workout plan for bulking up will look: 

  • First you decide if you want a Half or Whole Beef.
  • We then require a deposit. This ensures that you get the beef you want at the time discussed.
  • We gather your info and pass it on to our butcher. They will then contact you once the animal is delivered to them. They will ask you questions such as “What steaks do you want?” “How many pounds of ground beef in each package?” They are very knowledgeable and helpful, so don’t be intimidated or hesitate to ask questions!
  • You’ll be notified when the beef is ready for pick up and when your balance is due. 
  • Finally, pick up your beef on the scheduled day and pay the butcher for processing.

Don’t worry, if you’re a rookie when it comes to bulking up. We’re here to personally walk you through the steps, quote a price and connect you with a USDA inspected butcher who will help you create your individualized order. You can find the link to our helpful guide and more resources on our BF Beef Whole and Halves product page.

From our farm straight to your family, you’ll be glad you bought in bulk and bought the best at B/F Beef.