Our Future Depends On ItI would like to take this opportunity to talk about something which is actually more important than the cattle industry. That is the state of our nation. The Democrat leadership in this country is taking us down a highway of hell (called socialism). At least a third of the Republican leadership say they are against this, but are doing nothing to stop it. It seems that not only China Joe, but many others are simply puppets for a larger, nefarious source that needs the USA to fail. And simply electing conservatives to head our government will not right all the wrongs.
Most of us can recognize this, yet we may debate who or what is behind it all. Here is a list I want us all to think about: abortion, theft, murder, greed, racism, hatred, envy, political correctness, lawlessness, slander, drugs, tyranny, communism, socialism, immorality, one-world government. These are ALL EVIL. The USA has never been a perfect place, but with it being severely weakened, this list of evil may very well enslave the whole world.
George Washington once said that what sets apart American Christians from the rest of the world, is that we would rather die on our feet than live on our knees. It seems to me that if it is God’s will to turn this country around, we must get off our rear and stand for truth and righteousness.
I know many of you reading this may not be Christians, but I would like to share something that seems very obvious to me. When reading through the Old Testament, whenever the nation of Israel would have a king that worshiped false gods and practiced evil, in a generation or two, the bulk of the people under him would follow his lead. God would then take His favor away from that nation. The nation would absolutely flounder, if not be seized or enslaved by other nations. This happened time and time again.
The opposite was also true. When Israel had a king that worshiped the one true God, in a generation or two, the people would once again have faith in the Lord. His blessings would then pour out on the nation. When I look at America and how it was founded and all the blessings that have been bestowed on us, it is obvious that it is not by what we have done, but because we have been a nation that has had faith and promoted the one true God.
The generation before me allowed the government to take the Bible and the Ten Commandments out of the schools. We have been on a downhill slide ever since. I think as a nation and in our individual lives, we must repent of any past evils we have done, or that we have allowed to happen because we thought, “What can we really do to make a difference?”
We must pray that God, who sent His son Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago, will either send Him again as the Bible says, or, if He wants, return this nation to greatness, for His glory. Pray that He will guide each of us to have the strength and wisdom to stand and follow His guidance. For He is the only one that can conquer evil.
Thank you for your time and prayers for this country.
Read your bible
return to faith
commit to pray
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