Tips for defrosting frozen beef safely

You just got home and realized you forgot to get beef out of the freezer for dinner tonight!!! What do you do, besides call for pizza?

First DO NOT thaw it in the microwave!

Even though microwaves have a handy little defrost button, don’t use it for your beef. Why? Well the microwave creates hot spots in the meat. So you end up with parts that are cooked and rubbery and then other chunks that are frozen solid. Also the good yummy juices in the beef tend to run out while its defrosting. Again, not what we want! All of these things lead to tough, chewy, beef. Yuck.

So here is how you get food on the table ASAP!

Ground beef is going to be your best choice if you have an hour or less to get dinner on the table!

  • Place your frozen chunk of beef in an airtight baggie. Make sure there is little to no air inside.
  • Place into a bowl in the sink. Start running hot water over the beef.
  • While that’s going. Get a pot on the stove and the rest of your ingredients ready.
  • You can now remove the beef from the water. Open both bags. Scrape off any thawed meat into your skillet (don’t start cooking it yet).
  • If its possible, cut the still frozen beef into smaller chunks.
  • Place frozen beef back into the baggie and repeat the water bath process. Once beef is soft, add to the skillet.
  • Repeat process until all meat is semi-thawed.
  • Cook all ground beef together in skillet, seasoning while you go.
  • Now you are ready to add into your recipe! Tacos, spaghetti, chili, sloppy joes — The options are numerous and quick!


Have a little more time to get dinner ready? If you have an Instant Pot or pressure cooker, you can still have roast for supper!

  • Start with placing your roast in a bowl of hot water. If you can, continue to run hot water over it while you get your pot ready.
  • Set your pot on saute. Throw in some veggies and a little broth.
  • Then remove your roast from hot water bath. It will only be partially thawed, but that’s ok.
  • Season and place in the Instant Pot. Set to cook on high pressure for 2 hours. Remove, slice and serve!

Now the last tip is this……set out tomorrows beef into a bowl in the fridge. It will be thawed and ready for dinner tomorrow night.


Take the Fear Out of Frozen

Now that you know how to go from Frozen to Fabulous in a few short minutes –

Start stocking your freezer with B/F Beef!