Years ago when I went in search of a chili recipe that would feed a crowd, I found step-by-step instructions for feeding chili to 8, 16 or 20……not exactly what I needed.

Each Fall and Spring we host a bull sale here on our ranch. Around 50 to 150 people gather here to bid on the Gelbvieh and Balancer® breeding bulls my husband raises. My job is to feed all the auction goers! Since our business is beef, that’s what I use! Sometimes its juicy burgers on the grill or hearty taco salads. But my go-to favorite is big, beefy chili.

Chili is perfect for when you just aren’t sure how many mouths you will be feeding. You can double, triple or quadruple the recipe. Any leftovers freeze great for us to use at home when I have forgotten to plan supper!

I am sharing my “Chili for a Crowd” recipe that can satisfy 50. I usually double it and it still turns out perfect!


2 onions, chopped

1 green pepper, chopped

2 Tbsp. coconut or olive oil

10 lbs. lean B/F Ground Beef (I use our 96% lean. I never have to drain the cooked burger!)

114 oz. can of Chili Beans (Our small town store carries the industrial size cans. Many box stores do too.)

114 oz. can diced tomatoes

4 10 oz. cans Rotel tomatoes

2 cans Pork and Beans (Remove that weird chunk of fat.)

1 12 oz. can pureed pumpkin (Not kidding – you’ll see why in the directions below.)

½ c. brown sugar

1 c. Williams Chili seasoning

¼ c. apple cider vinegar

4 c. water




First saute´ oil, pepper and onion in large stock pot. Then add B/F Ground Beef. If you don’t have a big enough pot, it can be browned in batches.

Brown the ground beef, then dump mixture into a large electric roaster oven.

Add all the other ingredients. Mix well. Salt can be added to taste. The Williams seasoning does have salt in it though!

Cook on low, or 300º, for 4 to 6 hours, stirring occasionally.

Helpful tips: if you don’t care for diced tomatoes you can use crushed tomatoes. I puree about half of the diced tomatoes for my liking.