Pray for Our Country

Please...Pray Our Future Depends On It I would like to take this opportunity to talk about something which is actually more important than the cattle industry. That is the state of our nation. The Democrat leadership in this country is taking us down a highway of hell...

Kinda Like Christmas

It was an exciting morning here on the ranch! Not the kind where the cows get out and lots of flagrant words are spewed into the air. More like jumping up and down, like a kid on Christmas morning! Brett got a new manure spreader! I know, I know, its not everyone’s...
Warm Wakeup on a Cold Morning

Warm Wakeup on a Cold Morning

Warm Wakeup on a Cold Morning   Search for: FollowFollow A Mist Opportunity Subscribe Water &Ice Brrrrr A few weeks back the morning started rather rough here on the ranch. But, I was in for a wonderful lesson in the process. It was a very cold morning for...
Fancy for Food

Fancy for Food

Fancy For Food A Tale of Fine Dining Choices   My maiden name is Walker. One of the strong Walker traits is a love of FOOD. If I stop for an ice cream cone at 10:00 a.m., someone (um, probably Brett) is sure to comment “Walker blood is still running strong...
The Good, The Bad, and The Anniversary

The Good, The Bad, and The Anniversary

Brett & Libby got married Our Story Brett jumped in at age 19, to purchase (with the help of the bank) the farm we now live on 😉. He had been working on this plot of land for six years before bringing me to the farm for the first time. I was probably a bit more than...
It’s FFA Week

It’s FFA Week

Blue and Gold are the colors of the week. Schools all around are holding petting zoos and food drives. Freshman kids are being initiated into their Greenhand postions. School buses are carting kids to farm shows and skating rinks. It’s FFA WEEK! I don’t even have kids...